Hacker News 簡訊 2021-09-02
最後更新時間: 2021-09-02 10:00
- The Red Warning Light on Richard Branson’s Space Flight - (newyorker.com)
- Your Standards Are Too High - (neelnanda.io)
- The evolution of WebRTC 1.0. – Advancing WebRTC - (blog.mozilla.org)
- Mozilla VPN Completes Independent Security Audit by Cure53 - (blog.mozilla.org)
- Japan Fair Trade Commission Closes App Store Investigation - (apple.com)
- UK national extradited to US for film/TV piracy - (justice.gov)
- The World After Capital - (worldaftercapital.org)
- Finley (YC W21) is hiring full-stack engineers to reimagine the capital markets - (finleycms.com)
- Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2021)
- How to Study Effectively - (psyche.co)
- Old and photos of Bedouin nomads, 1898 - (rarehistoricalphotos.com)
- Can you guess which movie based on AI-generated poster? - (noahveltman.com)
- Improving Git protocol security on GitHub - (github.blog)
- Amazon asked FCC to reject Starlink plan because it can’t compete, SpaceX says - (arstechnica.com)
- Multi-Chip Intel Core I9-11900K Overclocking Review: Four Boards, Cryo Cooling - (anandtech.com)
- The Feds Want to Know What the McFuck Is Going on with the McFlurry Machines - (gizmodo.com)
- Helio Project: libre music composition software - (helio.fm)
- AAS Journals Will Switch to Open Access - (aas.org)
- So You Want to Study Philosophy - (susanrigetti.com)
- 65k fake students applied for financial aid in wide community college scam - (latimes.com)
- William Gibson is a literary genius - (thewalrus.ca)
- How I re–over-engineered my home network for privacy and security - (balter.com)
- Lenovo tablet forced update shows un-dismissable, un-mutable, ad notifications - (twitter.com/benkrasnow)
- Apple announces first states to adopt driver’s licenses and IDs in Apple Wallet - (apple.com)
- Writing, technically - (signalsandthreads.com)
- Lenovo tablet was remotely modified via forced update to have ad notifications - (twitter.com/benkrasnow)
- The Seniority Roller Coaster and Down-Leveling in Tech - (pragmaticengineer.com)
- Linux on the Framework Laptop - (frame.work)
- Travel agencies are having a moment amid Covid-19 - (wsj.com)
- Conduit Beta (Matrix chat server) - (conduit.rs)
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HiCMS 自動編譯,最後更新時間:
2021-09-02 10:00
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