Hacker News 簡訊 2021-09-01

語言: CN / TW / HK

最後更新時間: 2021-09-01 08:00

  1. System76 Pangolin Linux-first laptop with AMD internals now in stock - (system76.com)
    System76 Pangolin Linux第一臺配備AMD內部元件的膝上型電腦現已上市 [谷歌翻譯版]
  2. You want enabling CSS selectors, not disabling ones - (css-tricks.com)
    您希望啟用CSS選擇器,而不是禁用CSS選擇器 [谷歌翻譯版]
  3. Apple and Google must allow other payment systems, new Korean law declares - (theverge.com)
    韓國新法律宣佈,蘋果和谷歌必須允許其他支付系統 [谷歌翻譯版]
  4. Why Erlang? - (fredrikholmqvist.com)
    為什麼是二郎? [谷歌翻譯版]
  5. Tor is a great sysadmin tool (2020) - (jamieweb.net)
    Tor是一個很好的系統管理工具(2020年) [谷歌翻譯版]
  6. The U.S. Army Tried Portable Nuclear Power at Remote Bases 60 Years Ago - (atlasobscura.com)
    60年前,美國陸軍曾在偏遠的基地嘗試使用行動式核能 [谷歌翻譯版]
  7. Rolling your own minimal embedded Linux for the Raspberry Pi - (kevinboone.me)
    為Raspberry Pi推出自己的最小嵌入式Linux [谷歌翻譯版]
  8. Pen Plotter Art and Algorithms, Part 1 (2017) - (mattdesl.svbtle.com)
    筆式繪圖儀藝術與演算法,第1部分(2017年) [谷歌翻譯版]
  9. The art of not taking things personally - (dave-bailey.com)
    不以身作則的藝術 [谷歌翻譯版]
  10. PostgreSQL Subtransactions Considered Harmful - (postgres.ai)
    PostgreSQL子事務被認為是有害的 [谷歌翻譯版]
  11. Docker Desktop no longer free for large companies - (theregister.com)
    Docker桌面不再免費提供給大公司 [谷歌翻譯版]
  12. Retool (YC W17) is hiring engineers
    Retool(YC W17)正在招聘工程師 [谷歌翻譯版]
  13. Adapting the OCaml Ecosystem for Multicore OCaml - (ocaml.org)
    為多核OCaml調整OCaml生態系統 [谷歌翻譯版]
  14. Roman priest’s exceptionally well-preserved remains found in Pompeii - (smithsonianmag.com)
    龐貝發現的羅馬牧師儲存異常完好的遺骸 [谷歌翻譯版]
  15. Rugby: Head impact study shows cognitive decline after just one season - (bbc.co.uk)
    橄欖球:頭部撞擊研究顯示一個賽季後認知能力下降 [谷歌翻譯版]
  16. Show HN: I made an app to draw stickers for iMessage, Discord, and Slack - (stickerdoodle.app)
    Show-HN:我製作了一個應用程式來為iMessage、Discord和Slack繪製標籤 [谷歌翻譯版]
  17. Apollo 68080 – Motorola 680x0 High Performance Processor in FPGA - (apollo-core.com)
    阿波羅68080–摩托羅拉680x0高效能FPGA處理器 [谷歌翻譯版]
  18. Perfect pitch study: Why can’t we identify music notes as well as colors? - (uchicago.edu)
    完美音高研究:為什麼我們不能識別音符和顏色? [谷歌翻譯版]
  19. The Winners of Remote Work - (nytimes.com)
    遠端工作的贏家 [谷歌翻譯版]
  20. Extreme Ironing - (wikipedia.org)
    極端熨燙 [谷歌翻譯版]
  21. The Deployment Fidelity Problem - (tylercipriani.com)
    部署保真度問題 [谷歌翻譯版]
  22. At the world's oldest social housing, rent hasn't changed since 1521 - (cbc.ca)
    在世界上最古老的社會住房,租金自1521年以來一直沒有變化 [谷歌翻譯版]
  23. A remote island's battle against seabird-killing ants (2015) - (audubon.org)
    偏遠島嶼與海鳥捕殺螞蟻的戰鬥(2015) [谷歌翻譯版]
  24. Journal of Controversial Ideas - (journalofcontroversialideas.org)
    爭議觀點雜誌 [谷歌翻譯版]
  25. Wild claims about K performance - (mlochbaum.github.io)
    關於K效能的胡言亂語 [谷歌翻譯版]
  26. Apple proposes adding "model" element to HTML that displays 3D content - (github.com/webkit)
    蘋果建議在顯示3D內容的HTML中新增“model”元素 [谷歌翻譯版]
  27. Collection of artwork made with the integer circle algorithm (Minsky circle) - (onirom.fr)
    用整數圓算法制作的藝術品集(明斯基圓) [谷歌翻譯版]
  28. Apple banned a pay equity Slack channel - (theverge.com)
    蘋果禁止了一個薪酬公平鬆弛頻道 [谷歌翻譯版]
  29. It's Time for Operating Systems to Rediscover Hardware – ATC/OSDI 2021 Keynote - (usenix.org)
    是作業系統重新發現硬體的時候了–ATC/OSDI 2021主題演講 [谷歌翻譯版]
  30. A visual introduction to Gaussian Belief Propagation - (gaussianbp.github.io)
    高斯信念傳播的視覺化介紹 [谷歌翻譯版]

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