Hacker News 簡訊 2021-08-26
最後更新時間: 2021-08-26 00:00
- Prettymaps: Small Python library to draw customized maps from OpenStreetMap data - (github.com/marceloprates)
- The most underused browser feature: reader mode - (frankgroeneveld.nl)
- OnlyFans suspends plan to ban "sexually explicit" content after outcry - (axios.com)
- Show HN: Exatorrent – Self-hostable Torrent client written in Go - (github.com/varbhat)
- A Cartrivision Player TV - (twitter.com/foone)
- Do Vision Transformers See Like Convolutional Neural Networks? - (arxiv.org)
- Show HN: WebCrate – an open source, social and self-hosted bookmarking tool - (webcrate.app)
- Launch HN: Litnerd (YC S21) – Sesame Street Inspired Reading Program for Schools
- Tools for Thinking - (juliendesrosiers.com)
- The Rise of Mobile Wikipedia - (yuri.is)
- All you need is call/cc (2013) - (pvk.ca)
- Turing Pi V2 is here - (turingpi.com)
- The Science of Underground Kingdoms - (caltech.edu)
- Stacker (YC S20) is hiring all roles (Remote in European timezones) - (stackerhq.com)
- Kaitiakitanga Māori Data Sovereignty Licences - (taiuru.maori.nz)
- Miller CLI – Like Awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for CSV, TSV and JSON - (github.com/johnkerl)
- Nirvana sued by Spencer Elden, who appeared on Nevermind’s album cover as a baby - (bbc.com)
- An Introduction to JQ - (earthly.dev)
- The Begum's Fortune - (wikipedia.org)
- Kobol Team Is Pulling the Plug from “Helios64 Open Source NAS” - (kobol.io)
- A catalog of naturally occurring images whose Apple NeuralHash is identical - (github.com/roboflow-ai)
- HyperPhysics (2016) - (gsu.edu)
- T. rex’s jaw had sensors to make it an even more fearsome predator - (newswise.com)
- India's living dead - (bbc.com)
- S.Korea parliament committee votes to curb Google, Apple commission dominance - (reuters.com)
- Startups now spend more on Airbnb than on office rent - (skift.com)
- Adobe: The Psychology of User Offboarding - (growth.design)
- Intel’s Thread Director: Assisting the OS to make task placement decisions - (anandtech.com)
- Ask HN: Managing career progression for those with no interest in progressing?
- Open Shading Language – Advanced shading language for production GI renderers - (github.com/academysoftwarefoundation)
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2021-08-26 00:00
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