Hacker News 簡訊 2021-09-06
最後更新時間: 2021-09-06 08:00
- Art student’s 407-piece hand-carved wooden clock (2016) - (ablogtowatch.com)
- Juniper breach mystery starts to clear with new details on hackers and U.S. role - (bloomberg.com)
- Climate activist arrested after ProtonMail provided his IP address - (twitter.com/tenacioustek)
- Too much of a good thing: Mourning the slow death of the retail game store - (arstechnica.com)
- Towards a taxonomy of cliches in Space Opera - (antipope.org)
- Malware found preinstalled in classic push-button phones sold in Russia - (therecord.media)
- Incident: Airbus A330 at Taipei, primary computers failed on touchdown (2020) - (avherald.com)
- UBC Engineering removes online classes, obstacles for international students - (ubyssey.ca)
- Dogs distinguish human intentional and unintentional action - (nature.com)
- Ask HN: What could a modern database do that PostgreSQL and MySQL can't
- Terraform is currently not reviewing community pull requests - (github.com/hashicorp)
- EasyPost (YC S13) is profitable and hiring - (easypost.com)
- Git-cliff – Generate changelog files from the Git history - (github.com/orhun)
- Chekhov's Gun - (wikipedia.org)
- Financial literacy is a passport to financial freedom - (ft.com)
- New Orleans levees passed their first major test - (nationalgeographic.com)
- Guide to Tracing in Erlang - (stratus3d.com)
- Constructive Journalism Pays Off - (ellen-heinrichs.medium.com)
- Abusing the Chromium Devtools Scope Pane - (medium.com/weizmangal)
- Increased risk of traffic accidents in subjects with latent toxoplasmosis (2002) - (nih.gov)
- Larry Page: “I think we should look into acquiring YouTube” (2005) - (twitter.com/techemails)
- New Evidence Against the Standard Model of Cosmology - (backreaction.blogspot.com)
- Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone (2016) - (science.org)
- Suture: A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code - (github.com/testdouble)
- Raspberry Pi in Rotary Phone - (instructables.com)
- Fast Rust Builds - (matklad.github.io)
- Application of automotive alternators in small wind turbines (2012) - (tudelft.nl)
- For scientists, path to Covid-19 endgame remains uncertain - (adn.com)
- Follow boring advice - (nywkap.com)
- The moments that could have accidentally ended humanity - (bbc.com)
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HiCMS 自動編譯,最後更新時間:
2021-09-06 08:00
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