Hacker News 簡訊 2021-08-30

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最後更新時間: 2021-08-30 10:00

  1. MarkMonitor left 60k domains for the taking - (ian.sh)
    MarkMonitor留下了60k個域供獲取 [谷歌翻譯版]
  2. For security reasons, the following information is not to be shared with enduser - (flexera.com)
    出於安全原因,以下資訊不得與終端使用者共享 [谷歌翻譯版]
  3. Nvui: A NeoVim GUI written in C++ and Qt - (github.com/rohit-px2)
    NVIUI:一個用C++和Qt編寫的Nevim GUI [谷歌翻譯版]
  4. 8 Bits of history: My first game is still available on the internet - (smackeyacky.blogspot.com)
    8段歷史:我的第一個遊戲仍然可以在網際網路上找到 [谷歌翻譯版]
  5. A Screeching Voice of the Minority - (ath0.com)
    少數民族刺耳的聲音 [谷歌翻譯版]
  6. Show HN: We built an end-to-end encrypted alternative to Google Photos
    Show HN:我們構建了一個端到端加密的谷歌照片替代方案 [谷歌翻譯版]
  7. Train Wheels Are Cones - (awesci.com)
    火車車輪是錐形的 [谷歌翻譯版]
  8. Darktile – GPU rendered terminal emulator designed for tiling window managers - (github.com/liamg)
    Darktile–為平鋪視窗管理器設計的GPU渲染終端模擬器 [谷歌翻譯版]
  9. When AWS, Azure, or GCP Becomes the Competition (2019) - (gkogan.co)
    當AWS、Azure或GCP成為競爭對手時(2019年) [谷歌翻譯版]
  10. The Fatiguing Effects of Camera Use in Virtual Meetings [pdf] - (apa.org)
    在虛擬會議中使用相機的疲勞效應[pdf] [谷歌翻譯版]
  11. The Orbit of Planet Nine - (findplanetnine.blogspot.com)
    行星九的軌道 [谷歌翻譯版]
  12. Esperanto Champions the Efficiency of Its 1,092-Core RISC-V Chip - (hpcwire.com)
    世界語冠軍的1092核心RISC-V晶片的效率 [谷歌翻譯版]
  13. Programming, Math, Science: A list with links to useful resources - (github.com/bobeff)
    程式設計、數學、科學:連結到有用資源的列表 [谷歌翻譯版]
  14. Arctic Adventure: A lost 1981 TRS-80 adventure game by Harry McCracken - (arctic81.com)
    北極探險:哈里·麥克拉肯1981年的TRS-80探險遊戲 [谷歌翻譯版]
  15. Linux Kernel 5.14 - (lwn.net)
    Linux核心5.14 [谷歌翻譯版]
  16. Inspectify (YC S20) Is Hiring a Project Manager – Home Insights in Seattle - (ycombinator.com)
    Inspectify(YC S20)正在西雅圖招聘一名專案經理——Home Insights [谷歌翻譯版]
  17. Challenges students face when learning to work with relational databases and SQL - (growkudos.com)
    學生在學習使用關係資料庫和SQL時面臨的挑戰 [谷歌翻譯版]
  18. Open Source Illustrations Kit - (illlustrations.co)
    開源插圖工具包 [谷歌翻譯版]
  19. Boring Languages Are Underrated (2015) - (danluu.com)
    無聊的語言被低估(2015年) [谷歌翻譯版]
  20. Role-based access control like it was meant to be - (tailscale.com)
    基於角色的訪問控制 [谷歌翻譯版]
  21. Write a System Call (2016) - (brennan.io)
    編寫系統呼叫(2016年) [谷歌翻譯版]
  22. A newfound biomolecule, consisting of RNA modified by sugars - (stanford.edu)
    核糖核酸一種新發現的生物分子,由糖修飾的核糖核酸組成 [谷歌翻譯版]
  23. Almost 600 Louisiana sites with toxic chemicals lie in Hurricane Ida's path - (nola.com)
    颶風艾達的路徑上有近600處路易斯安那州有毒化學物質場所 [谷歌翻譯版]
  24. BootOS operating system in 512 bytes - (github.com/nanochess)
    512位元組的BootOS作業系統 [谷歌翻譯版]
  25. Air Independent Propulsion Could Create Silent Killer Submarines - (nationalinterest.org)
    不依賴空氣的推進可以製造無聲殺手潛艇 [谷歌翻譯版]
  26. Code-First vs. Product-First - (thezbook.com)
    程式碼優先與產品優先 [谷歌翻譯版]
  27. Show HN: Dotplan Online - (dotplan.online)
    線上顯示:Dotplan [谷歌翻譯版]
  28. Spherical Panoramas - (stuvel.eu)
    球面全景圖 [谷歌翻譯版]
  29. Clustering Algorithms with Python - (machinelearningmastery.com)
    基於Python的聚類演算法 [谷歌翻譯版]
  30. Computers should expose their internal workings as a 6th sense - (interconnected.org)
    計算機應該以第六感的方式公開其內部工作 [谷歌翻譯版]

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