Hacker News 簡訊 2021-09-03

語言: CN / TW / HK

最後更新時間: 2021-09-03 10:00

  1. O.mg Cable - (hak5.org)
    O.mg電纜 [谷歌翻譯版]
  2. Use of artificial intelligence for image analysis in breast cancer screening - (bmj.com)
    人工智慧在乳腺癌篩查中的應用 [谷歌翻譯版]
  3. GateBoy – a gate-level Game Boy simulator - (github.com/aappleby)
    門童-門童級遊戲模擬器 [谷歌翻譯版]
  4. Virgin Galactic flights grounded over Branson spaceflight 'mishap' - (bbc.com)
    維珍銀河航空公司因布蘭森太空飛行“事故”而停飛 [谷歌翻譯版]
  5. Chicken Scheme - (call-cc.org)
    雞肉計劃 [谷歌翻譯版]
  6. Gift card gang extracts cash from 100k inboxes daily - (krebsonsecurity.com)
    禮品卡幫派每天從10萬個收件箱中提取現金 [谷歌翻譯版]
  7. An optimal algorithm for bounded random integers - (github.com/apple)
    有界隨機整數的一種優化演算法 [谷歌翻譯版]
  8. New Ways to Be Told That Your Python Code Is Bad - (nickdrozd.github.io)
    告訴您的Python程式碼不好的新方法 [谷歌翻譯版]
  9. Show HN: A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks - (distill.pub)
    Show HN:圖形神經網路的溫和介紹 [谷歌翻譯版]
  10. Tomu – An ARM microprocessor which fits in your USB port - (tomu.im)
    Tomu–一款適合USB埠的ARM微處理器 [谷歌翻譯版]
  11. DARPA Developed Nonsurgical Brain Interfaces to Control Drones Using Thoughts - (idstch.com)
    DARPA開發了非手術大腦介面,用思維控制無人機 [谷歌翻譯版]
  12. Experiments on a $50 DIY air purifier (2020) - (dynomight.net)
    50美元DIY空氣淨化器的實驗(2020年) [谷歌翻譯版]
  13. How I Write Code: Pen and Paper - (noteflakes.com)
    我如何寫程式碼:筆和紙 [谷歌翻譯版]
  14. I interviewed Brian J. Fox, the creator of Bash - (curiefense.io)
    我採訪了布萊恩J。福克斯,Bash的創造者 [谷歌翻譯版]
  15. Awesome Lattice FPGA Boards - (github.com/kelu124)
    超棒晶格FPGA板 [谷歌翻譯版]
  16. Skio (YC S20) is hiring founding engineers - (skio.com)
    Skio(YC S20)正在招聘創始工程師 [谷歌翻譯版]
  17. Hoover (Seal) - (wikipedia.org)
    胡佛(印章) [谷歌翻譯版]
  18. Pavel Durov: Most studies show humanity is now less free than several years ago - (t.me)
    帕維爾·杜洛夫:大多數研究表明人類現在比幾年前更自由了 [谷歌翻譯版]
  19. An app called Libby and the big business of library e-books - (newyorker.com)
    一款名為Libby的應用程式與圖書館電子書的大生意 [谷歌翻譯版]
  20. Security Analysis of Satisfyer Sex Toys - (bananamafia.dev)
    Satisfyer性玩具的安全性分析 [谷歌翻譯版]
  21. Air-Gap Attack Turns Memory Modules into Wi-Fi Radios - (threatpost.com)
    Air Gap攻擊將記憶體模組變成Wi-Fi收音機 [谷歌翻譯版]
  22. How Computationally Complex Is a Single Neuron? - (quantamagazine.org)
    單個神經元的計算複雜程度如何? [谷歌翻譯版]
  23. The Complete GraphQL Security Guide - (wundergraph.com)
    完整的GraphQL安全指南 [谷歌翻譯版]
  24. Reddit seeks to hire advisers for U.S. IPO – sources - (reuters.com)
    Reddit尋求為美國IPO聘請顧問——來源 [谷歌翻譯版]
  25. The Murder of Omie Wise - (historyofyesterday.com)
    Omie Wise的謀殺案 [谷歌翻譯版]
  26. RISC-V Scalar Cryptography Extension reaches public review - (github.com/riscv)
    RISC-V標量密碼擴充套件受到公眾審查 [谷歌翻譯版]
  27. Supply Chain Shortages Continue Around the World. Get Used to It - (nytimes.com)
    供應鏈短缺在世界各地繼續存在。習慣它 [谷歌翻譯版]
  28. Picturing Git: Conceptions and Misconceptions - (biteinteractive.com)
    描繪Git:概念和誤解 [谷歌翻譯版]
  29. NEC’s Forgotten FPUs - (cpushack.com)
    NEC被遺忘的FPU [谷歌翻譯版]
  30. PhotoDNA and Limitations - (hackerfactor.com)
    PhotoDNA及其侷限性 [谷歌翻譯版]

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