Hacker News 簡訊 2021-08-27
最後更新時間: 2021-08-27 06:00
- Yt-dlp – A YouTube-dl fork with additional features and fixes - (github.com/yt-dlp)
- Work Hard (2007) - (terrytao.wordpress.com)
- I switched from macOS to Linux after 15 years of Apple - (markosaric.com)
- My Tungsten Cube (2019) - (thume.ca)
- Writing a simple JSON library from scratch: a tour through modern C++ - (eatonphil.com)
- Show HN: With a 9-5 job and 2 kids I have finally finished my first MVP
- TSMC hikes chip prices up to 20% amid supply shortage - (nikkei.com)
- The Muse (YC W12) Is Hiring a Senior Growth/Front End Engineer - (themuse.com)
- Seeking early signals of dementia in driving and credit scores - (nytimes.com)
- High Performance Correctly Rounded Math Libraries for 32-Bit Floating Point - (sigplan.org)
- Immunity Generated from Covid-19 Vaccines Differs from an Infection - (nih.gov)
- The Dual-Drive IDE Hell - (os2museum.com)
- Apple has surpassed Facebook and Google in violating user trust - (tinyapps.org)
- Squatters in Spain who demand a "ransom" before they will leave a property - (bbc.com)
- LimeSDR - (limemicro.com)
- Monitoring Raspberry Pi Devices Using Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana - (thecloudside.com)
- Launch YC S21: Meet the Batch, Thread #9
- Why isn’t there an English Academy? Blame the plague - (laphamsquarterly.org)
- FBI Palantir glitch allowed unauthorized access to private data - (nypost.com)
- A New Look at the Hobo - (lareviewofbooks.org)
- Sailfish 4 - (sailfishos.org)
- George Gamow, Fred Hoyle, and the great Big Bang debate - (nytimes.com)
- Rent control isn’t working in Sweden - (bbc.com)
- Ask HN: Where can I live off 1k USD per month?
- Why are hyperlinks blue? - (blog.mozilla.org)
- There is no such thing as a “glibc based alpine image” - (ariadne.space)
- Silent changes to Western Digital’s budget SSD may lower speeds by up to 50% - (arstechnica.com)
- T-Mobile Hacker Who Stole Data on 50M Customers: ‘Their Security Is Awful’ - (wsj.com)
- Statistical process control after W. Edwards Deming (2020) - (2uo.de)
- More and more humans are growing an extra artery, showing we're still evolving - (sciencealert.com)
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HiCMS 自動編譯,最後更新時間:
2021-08-27 06:00
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