【數學建模】基於matlab UKF腳踏車狀態估計【含Matlab原始碼 1111期】
著名學者Julier等提出近似非線性函式的均值和方差遠比近似非線性函式本身更容易,因此提出了基於確定性取樣的UKF演算法。 該演算法的核心思想是:採用UT變換,利用一組Sigma取樣點來描述隨機變數的高斯分佈,然後通過非線性函式的傳遞,再利用加權統計線性迴歸技術來近似非x線性函式的後驗均值和方差。 相比於EKF,UKF的估計精度能夠達到泰勒級數展開的二階精度。
1 UT變換
2 取樣策略
3 UKF演算法流程
```c %% UKF bicycle test clear all close all
% load params from file load('bicycle_data.mat')
use_laser = 1; use_radar = 1;
stop_for_sigmavis = false;
%% Data Initialization x_pred_all = []; % predicted state history x_est_all = []; % estimated state history with time at row number 6 NIS_radar_all = []; % estimated state history with time at row number 6 NIS_laser_all = []; % estimated state history with time at row number 6
est_pos_error_squared_all = []; laser_pos_error_squared_all = [];
P_est = 0.2*eye(n_x); % initial uncertainty matrix P_est(4,4) = 0.3; % initial uncertainty P_est(5,5) = 0.3; % initial uncertainty
%% process noise
acc_per_sec = 0.3; % acc in m/s^2 per sec yaw_acc_per_sec = 0.3; % yaw acc in rad/s^2 per sec
Z_l_read = [];
std_las1 = 0.15; std_las2 = 0.15;
std_radr = 0.3; std_radphi = 0.03; std_radrd = 0.3;
% UKF params n_aug = 7; kappa = 3-n_aug;
w = zeros(2*n_aug+1,1); w(1) = kappa/(kappa+n_aug);
for i=2:(2*n_aug+1) w(i) = 0.5/(n_aug+kappa); end
%% UKF filter recursion %x_est_all(:,1) = GT(:,1); Xi_pred_all = []; Xi_aug_all = []; x_est = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01]; last_time = 0;
% load measurement data from file fid = fopen('obj_pose-laser-radar-synthetic-ukf-input.txt');
%% State Initialization tline = fgets(fid); % read first line
% find first laser measurement while tline(1) ~= 'L' % laser measurement tline = fgets(fid); % go to next line end
line_vector = textscan(tline,'%s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f'); last_time = line_vector{4};% get timestamp x_est(1) = line_vector{2}; % initialize position p_x x_est(2) = line_vector{3}; % initialize position p_y
tline = fgets(fid); % go to next line
% counter k = 1; while ischar(tline) % go through lines of data file
% find time of measurement
if tline(1) == 'L' % laser measurement
if use_laser == false
tline = fgets(fid); % skip this line and go to next line
else % read laser meas time
line_vector = textscan(tline,'%s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f');
meas_time = line_vector{1,4};
elseif tline(1) == 'R' % radar measurement
if use_radar == false
tline = fgets(fid); % skip this line and go to next line
else % read radar meas time
line_vector = textscan(tline,'%s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f');
meas_time = line_vector{5};
else % neither laser nor radar
disp('Error: not laser nor radar')
delta_t_sec = ( meas_time - last_time ) / 1e6; % us to sec
last_time = meas_time;
%% Prediction part
p1 = x_est(1);
p2 = x_est(2);
v = x_est(3);
yaw = x_est(4);
yaw_dot = x_est(5); % yaw_dot: yaw velocity
x = [p1; p2; v; yaw; yaw_dot]; % state vector
std_a = acc_per_sec; % process noise long. acceleration
std_ydd = yaw_acc_per_sec; % process noise yaw acceleration
if std_a == 0
std_a = 0.0001;
if std_ydd == 0
std_ydd = 0.0001;
% Create sigma points
x_aug = [x ; 0 ; 0];
P_aug = [P_est zeros(n_x,2) ; zeros(2,n_x) [std_a^2 0 ; 0 std_ydd^2 ]];
%P_aug = nearestSPD(P_aug);
Xi_aug = zeros(n_aug,2*n_aug+1);
sP_aug = chol(P_aug,'lower'); % Cholesky factorization.
Xi_aug(:,1) = x_aug;
for i=1:n_aug
Xi_aug(:,i+1) = x_aug + sqrt(n_aug+kappa) * sP_aug(:,i);
Xi_aug(:,i+1+n_aug) = x_aug - sqrt(n_aug+kappa) * sP_aug(:,i);
% Predict sigma points
Xi_pred = zeros(n_x,2*n_aug+1);
for i=1:(2*n_aug+1)
p1 = Xi_aug(1,i);
p2 = Xi_aug(2,i);
v = Xi_aug(3,i);
yaw = Xi_aug(4,i);
yaw_dot = Xi_aug(5,i);
nu_a = Xi_aug(6,i);
nu_yaw_dd = Xi_aug(7,i);
if abs(yaw_dot) > 0.001 %turn around
p1_p = p1 + v/yaw_dot * ( sin (yaw + yaw_dot*delta_t_sec) - sin(yaw));
p2_p = p2 + v/yaw_dot * ( cos(yaw) - cos(yaw+yaw_dot*delta_t_sec) );
else %not turn around
p1_p = p1 + v*delta_t_sec*cos(yaw);
p2_p = p2 + v*delta_t_sec*sin(yaw);
v_p = v;
yaw_p = yaw + yaw_dot*delta_t_sec;
yaw_dot_p = yaw_dot;
% add noise
p1_p = p1_p + 0.5*nu_a*delta_t_sec^2 * cos(yaw);
p2_p = p2_p + 0.5*nu_a*delta_t_sec^2 * sin(yaw);
v_p = v_p + nu_a*delta_t_sec;
yaw_p = yaw_p + 0.5*nu_yaw_dd*delta_t_sec^2;
yaw_dot_p = yaw_dot_p + nu_yaw_dd*delta_t_sec;
Xi_pred(1,i) = p1_p;
Xi_pred(2,i) = p2_p;
Xi_pred(3,i) = v_p;
Xi_pred(4,i) = yaw_p;
Xi_pred(5,i) = yaw_dot_p;
% average and covar of sigma points
x_pred = 0;
P_pred = zeros(5,5);
for i=1:2*n_aug+1
x_pred = x_pred + w(i)* Xi_pred(:,i);
for i=1:2*n_aug+1
P_pred = P_pred + w(i)* (Xi_pred(:,i) - x_pred)*(Xi_pred(:,i) - x_pred)';
%% visualize sigma point examples
if stop_for_sigmavis && k == 25
disp('Stopping for sigma point visualization');
% 2d example
P_s = P_est (1:2,1:2);
x_s = x(1:2);
Xi_s = zeros(2,5);
A = chol(P_s,'lower');
Xi_s(:,1) = x_s;
for i=1:2
Xi_s(:,i+1) = x_s + sqrt(3) * A(:,i);
Xi_s(:,i+1+2) = x_s - sqrt(3) * A(:,i);
error_ellipse(P_s,x_s,'conf', 0.4, 'style', 'k-');
Xi_aug_p1 = squeeze(Xi_s(1,:,:));
Xi_aug_p2 = squeeze(Xi_s(2,:,:));
hold on;
plot(Xi_aug_p1, Xi_aug_p2, 'or');
legend('P', 'sigma points')
axis equal
xlabel('p_x in m');
ylabel('p_y in m');
save('sigma_visualization.mat', 'x_s','P_s','A','Xi_s', 'Xi_aug', 'Xi_pred');
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- 【數學建模】基於matlab UKF腳踏車狀態估計【含Matlab原始碼 1111期】