檔案輸入“接受”屬性 - 有用嗎? - File input 'accept' attribute - is it useful?
Implementing a file upload under html is fairly simple, but I just noticed that there is an 'accept' attribute that can be added to the <input type="file" ...>
tag.在 html 下實現檔案上傳相當簡單,但我剛剛注意到有一個 'accept' 屬性可以新增到<input type="file" ...>
Is this attribute useful as a way of limiting file uploads to images, etc?這個屬性作為限制檔案上傳到影象等的方式有用嗎? What is the best way to use it?使用它的最佳方法是什麼?
Alternatively, is there a way to limit file types, preferably in the file dialog, for an html file input tag?或者,有沒有辦法限制 html 檔案輸入標籤的檔案型別,最好是在檔案對話方塊中?
參考一: http://stackoom.com/question/l8o參考二: File input 'accept' attribute - is it useful?
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