leetcode 2303. Calculate Amount Paid in Taxes(python)

語言: CN / TW / HK

持續創作,加速成長!這是我參與「掘金日新計劃 · 6 月更文挑戰」的第25天,點選檢視活動詳情


You are given a 0-indexed 2D integer array brackets where brackets[i] = [upperi, percenti] means that the ith tax bracket has an upper bound of upperi and is taxed at a rate of percenti. The brackets are sorted by upper bound (i.e. upperi-1 < upperi for 0 < i < brackets.length).

Tax is calculated as follows:

  • The first upper0 dollars earned are taxed at a rate of percent0.
  • The next upper1 - upper0 dollars earned are taxed at a rate of percent1.
  • The next upper2 - upper1 dollars earned are taxed at a rate of percent2.
  • And so on.

You are given an integer income representing the amount of money you earned. Return the amount of money that you have to pay in taxes. Answers within 10^-5 of the actual answer will be accepted.

Example 1:

Input: brackets = [[3,50],[7,10],[12,25]], income = 10
Output: 2.65000
The first 3 dollars you earn are taxed at 50%. You have to pay $3 * 50% = $1.50 dollars in taxes.
The next 7 - 3 = 4 dollars you earn are taxed at 10%. You have to pay $4 * 10% = $0.40 dollars in taxes.
The final 10 - 7 = 3 dollars you earn are taxed at 25%. You have to pay $3 * 25% = $0.75 dollars in taxes.
You have to pay a total of $1.50 + $0.40 + $0.75 = $2.65 dollars in taxes.

Example 2:

Input: brackets = [[1,0],[4,25],[5,50]], income = 2
Output: 0.25000
The first dollar you earn is taxed at 0%. You have to pay $1 * 0% = $0 dollars in taxes.
The second dollar you earn is taxed at 25%. You have to pay $1 * 25% = $0.25 dollars in taxes.
You have to pay a total of $0 + $0.25 = $0.25 dollars in taxes.

Example 3:

Input: brackets = [[2,50]], income = 0
Output: 0.00000
You have no income to tax, so you have to pay a total of $0 dollars in taxes.


1 <= brackets.length <= 100
1 <= upperi <= 1000
0 <= percenti <= 100
0 <= income <= 1000
upperi is sorted in ascending order.
All the values of upperi are unique.
The upper bound of the last tax bracket is greater than or equal to income.


根據題意,給定一個 0 索引的 2D 整數陣列 brackets ,其中 brackets[i] = [upperi, percenti] 表示第 i 個稅級的上限為 upperi,並按百分比稅率徵稅。 brackets 按上限排序。


  • 賺取的 upper0 美元按 percent0 的稅率徵稅。
  • 賺取的下一個 upper1 - upper0 美元按 percent1 徵稅。
  • 接下來的 upper2 - upper1 美元按 percent2 徵稅。
  • 以此類推

給定一個整數 income 代表您賺取的金額。返回您必須繳納的稅款。

時間複雜度為 O(N) ,空間複雜度為 O(1) 。


class Solution(object):
    def calculateTax(self, brackets, income):
        :type brackets: List[List[int]]
        :type income: int
        :rtype: float
        result = 0
        pre = 0
        for (b, p) in brackets:
            if b <= income:
                result += (b - pre) * p / float(100)
                result += (income - pre) * p / float(100)
            pre = b
        return result


225 / 225 test cases passed.
Status: Accepted
Runtime: 48 ms
Memory Usage: 13.4 MB


