iOS 获取任意线程堆栈信息

语言: CN / TW / HK

缘由: 在程序崩溃的时候很容易获取到堆栈信息,程序员很容易查看到因为哪个函数导致的崩溃,但是卡顿现象和高CPU利用率的时候要查看线程的堆栈信息,系统暂未提供方法,所有有了这篇文章


1. 获取线程

mach-o/dyld.hmach-o/nlist.h``pthread.h中找到函数task_threads(), 根据函数task_threads(mach_task_self(), &list, &count)获取到线程个数,然后根据 _Nullable pthread_t pthread_from_mach_thread_np(mach_port_t);获取到线程,如果想获取到所有线程的堆栈,那么遍历把每个线程的堆栈保存即可。










pragma -mark Convert NSThread to Mach thread

thread_t bs_machThreadFromNSThread(NSThread *nsthread) {     char name[256];     mach_msg_type_number_t count;     thread_act_array_t list     task_threads(mach_task_self(), &list, &count);

NSTimeInterval currentTimestamp = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];     NSString *originName = [nsthread name];     [nsthread setName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", currentTimestamp]];

if ([nsthread isMainThread]) {         return (thread_t)main_thread_id;     }     for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { //获取到线程         pthread_t pt = pthread_from_mach_thread_np(list[i]);         if ([nsthread isMainThread]) {             if (list[i] == main_thread_id) {                 return list[i];             }         }         if (pt) {             name[0] = '\0';             pthread_getname_np(pt, name, sizeof name); //根据name进行判断是否是同一个线程             if (!strcmp(name, [nsthread name].UTF8String)) {                 [nsthread setName:originName];                 return list[i];             }         }     }     [nsthread setName:originName];     return mach_thread_self(); } ```

2. 获取栈顶游标


``` //根据这个链表可以获取到所有栈信息的地址 typedef struct BSStackFrameEntry{ // 上一个栈frame指针     const struct BSStackFrameEntry *const previous; //当前栈 地址     const uintptr_t return_address; } BSStackFrameEntry;

//; 获取到线程 堆栈信息 NSString _bs_backtraceOfThread(thread_t thread) { //; 50个堆栈     uintptr_t backtraceBuffer[50];     int i = 0;     NSMutableString resultString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Backtrace of Thread %u:\n", thread];

//    macho 上下文     _STRUCT_MCONTEXT machineContext;

// ;   填充线程setate thread_get_state     if(!bs_fillThreadStateIntoMachineContext(thread, &machineContext)) {         return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Fail to get information about thread: %u", thread];     } //;     获得当前上下文     return machineContext->__ss.BS_INSTRUCTION_ADDRESS; 的address 地址 //;    i386: machineContext->__ss->__eip x86 : __rip //;     指令地址     const uintptr_t instructionAddress = bs_mach_instructionAddress(&machineContext);     backtraceBuffer[i] = instructionAddress;     ++i;

//;  return machineContext->__ss.__lr; 链接寄存器 //; linkRegister = 0     uintptr_t linkRegister = bs_mach_linkRegister(&machineContext);     if (linkRegister) {         backtraceBuffer[i] = linkRegister;         i++;     }

if(instructionAddress == 0) {         return @"Fail to get instruction address";     }

//     BSStackFrameEntry frame = {0};

//获取当前上下文的指针     const uintptr_t framePtr = bs_mach_framePointer(&machineContext); // 将framPtr 数据同步到frame     if(framePtr == 0 ||        bs_mach_copyMem((void *)framePtr, &frame, sizeof(frame)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {         return @"Fail to get frame pointer";     }

//    根据结构体进行移动,previous指向前一个函数地址,return_address 指向当前地址

//    一共获取50个堆栈信息 当previous ==0 或者 获取  向前移动指针失败 则终止

for(; i < 50; i++) {         backtraceBuffer[i] = frame.return_address; // 将vm 中的 指针frame.previous 指针数据 同步到frame上         if(backtraceBuffer[i] == 0 ||            frame.previous == 0 ||            bs_mach_copyMem(frame.previous, &frame, sizeof(frame)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {             break;         }     }

int backtraceLength = i;     Dl_info symbolicated[backtraceLength];     // 符号化 将address 翻译成 可读符号     bs_symbolicate(backtraceBuffer, symbolicated, backtraceLength, 0);     for (int i = 0; i < backtraceLength; ++i) {         [resultString appendFormat:@"%@", bs_logBacktraceEntry(i, backtraceBuffer[i], &symbolicated[i])];     }     [resultString appendFormat:@"\n"];     return [resultString copy]; }

// 将vm中的src数据同步到dst中 kern_return_t bs_mach_copyMem(const void const src, void const dst, const size_t numBytes){     vm_size_t bytesCopied = 0;     return vm_read_overwrite(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)src, (vm_size_t)numBytes, (vm_address_t)dst, &bytesCopied);

} ```



首先遍历符号表 ``` //符号化

void bs_symbolicate(const uintptr_t const backtraceBuffer,                     Dl_info const symbolsBuffer,                     const int numEntries,                     const int skippedEntries){

int i = 0;

if(!skippedEntries && i < numEntries) {         bs_dladdr(backtraceBuffer[i], &symbolsBuffer[i]);         i++;     }          for(; i < numEntries; i++) {         bs_dladdr(CALL_INSTRUCTION_FROM_RETURN_ADDRESS(backtraceBuffer[i]), &symbolsBuffer[i]);     } }

// address: 内存地址 bool bs_dladdr(const uintptr_t address, Dl_info* const info) {

info->dli_fname = NULL;     info->dli_fbase = NULL;     info->dli_sname = NULL;     info->dli_saddr = NULL;      //获取imageIdex 然后可以根据idx 得到ASLR的值,还有mach_header     const uint32_t idx = bs_imageIndexContainingAddress(address);

if(idx == UINT_MAX) {         return false;     }

//    获取当前 image header     const struct mach_header* header = _dyld_get_image_header(idx); //    imageVMAddrSlide: ASLR     const uintptr_t imageVMAddrSlide = (uintptr_t)_dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(idx);

//    addressWithSlide: macho 中的地址 = 内存地址 - ASLR     const uintptr_t addressWithSlide = address - imageVMAddrSlide;

//    segmentBase 获取到macho seg的 base地址     const uintptr_t segmentBase = bs_segmentBaseOfImageIndex(idx) + imageVMAddrSlide;     if(segmentBase == 0) {         return false;     }     info->dli_fname = _dyld_get_image_name(idx);     info->dli_fbase = (void)header;     // Find symbol tables and get whichever symbol is closest to the address.     const BS_NLIST bestMatch = NULL;     uintptr_t bestDistance = ULONG_MAX;     uintptr_t cmdPtr = bs_firstCmdAfterHeader(header);     if(cmdPtr == 0) {         return false;     }

for(uint32_t iCmd = 0; iCmd < header->ncmds; iCmd++) {         const struct load_command loadCmd = (struct load_command)cmdPtr;         if(loadCmd->cmd == LC_SYMTAB) {             const struct symtab_command symtabCmd = (struct symtab_command)cmdPtr; //            符号表初始地址 = segmentBase + symOff (偏移量)             const BS_NLIST symbolTable = (BS_NLIST)(segmentBase + symtabCmd->symoff); //            stringTable 地址= segmentBase+偏移量             const uintptr_t stringTable = segmentBase + symtabCmd->stroff; //            symtabCmd->nsyms 符号表个数             for(uint32_t iSym = 0; iSym < symtabCmd->nsyms; iSym++) {                 // If n_value is 0, the symbol refers to an external object. //                取出symbolBase 符号中在stringtable的偏移量,for循环最大的一个addressWithSlide >= symbolBase

//                就是需要的字符串,然后再stringtable中找出字符即可。                 if(symbolTable[iSym].n_value != 0) {                     uintptr_t symbolBase = symbolTable[iSym].n_value;//符号 在stringtable的偏移量                     uintptr_t currentDistance = addressWithSlide - symbolBase;                     if((addressWithSlide >= symbolBase) &&                        (currentDistance <= bestDistance)) {                         bestMatch = symbolTable + iSym;                         bestDistance = currentDistance;                     }                 }             }             if(bestMatch != NULL) { // 内存中字符串的地址 = 符号表中的符号的偏移量+ASLR                 info->dli_saddr = (void)(bestMatch->n_value + imageVMAddrSlide); //stringtable + 偏移量 = 字符串地址                 info->dli_sname = (char)((intptr_t)stringTable + (intptr_t)bestMatch->n_un.n_strx);

if(*info->dli_sname == '_') {                     info->dli_sname++;                 }                 // This happens if all symbols have been stripped.                 if(info->dli_saddr == info->dli_fbase && bestMatch->n_type == 3) {                     info->dli_sname = NULL;                 }                 break;             }         }         cmdPtr += loadCmd->cmdsize;     }     return true; } ```

