A blazing fast unit test framework powered by Vite.
Documentation | Getting Started | Examples | Why Vitest?
- Vite 's config, transformers, resolvers, and plugins. Use the same setup from your app!
- Jest Snapshot
- Chai built-in for assertions, with Jest expect compatible APIs.
- Smart & instant watch mode , like HMR for tests!
- Native code coverage via c8
- Tinyspy built-in for mocking, stubbing, and spies.
- JSDOM and happy-dom for DOM and browser API mocking
- Components testing ( Vue , React , Svelte , Lit , Vitesse )
- Workers multi-threading via tinypool (a lightweight fork of Piscina )
- ESM first, top level await
- Out-of-box TypeScript / JSX support
- Filtering, timeouts, concurrent for suite and tests
Vitest requires Vite >=v2.7.10 and Node >=v14
import { assert, describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' describe('suite name', () => { it('foo', () => { expect(1 + 1).toEqual(2) expect(true) }) it('bar', () => { assert.equal(Math.sqrt(4), 2) }) it('snapshot', () => { expect({ foo: 'bar' }).toMatchSnapshot() }) })
$ npx vitest
Anthony Fu Sponsors
Patak Sponsors
Thanks to:
- The Jest team and community for creating a delightful testing API
- @lukeed for the work on uvu where we are inspired a lot from.
- @pi0 for the idea and implementation of using Vite to transform and bundle the server code.
- The Vite team for brainstorming the initial idea.
- @patak-dev for the awesome package name!
See Contributing Guide .
MIT License © 2021-Present Anthony Fu , Matias Capeletto
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