
語言: CN / TW / HK






  • I/O任務: 指的是accept、connect、read、write等
  • 非I/O任務: 新增到taskQueue中的任務,如register0,bind0等任務

每一個功能點的實現都比較複雜,接下來我們逐一擊破,Go Go Go~~~~




```java protected EventLoop newChild(Executor executor, Object... args) throws Exception { SelectorProvider selectorProvider = (SelectorProvider) args[0]; SelectStrategyFactory selectStrategyFactory = (SelectStrategyFactory) args[1]; RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler = (RejectedExecutionHandler) args[2]; EventLoopTaskQueueFactory taskQueueFactory = null; EventLoopTaskQueueFactory tailTaskQueueFactory = null;

int argsLength = args.length;
if (argsLength > 3) {
    taskQueueFactory = (EventLoopTaskQueueFactory) args[3];
if (argsLength > 4) {
    tailTaskQueueFactory = (EventLoopTaskQueueFactory) args[4];
return new NioEventLoop(this, executor, selectorProvider,
        rejectedExecutionHandler, taskQueueFactory, tailTaskQueueFactory);

} ```



```java * 是否禁用SelectionKey的優化,預設為 false */ private static final boolean DISABLE_KEY_SET_OPTIMIZATION = SystemPropertyUtil.getBoolean("io.netty.noKeySetOptimization", false);

/ * 少於N值不開啟空輪詢重建新的Selector物件的功能 */ private static final int MIN_PREMATURE_SELECTOR_RETURNS = 3; / * NIO Selector空輪詢N次後,重建新的Selector物件,預設值為512,如果設定小於3則表示不開啟重建 Selector,在{@link #unexpectedSelectorWakeup(int)}處理意外的喚醒時使用 / private static final int SELECTOR_AUTO_REBUILD_THRESHOLD; / * 與{@link SelectStrategy}配合使用 / private final IntSupplier selectNowSupplier = new IntSupplier() { @Override public int get() throws Exception { return selectNow(); } };

/ * The NIO {@link Selector},經過Netty包裝優化過的 */ private Selector selector; private Selector unwrappedSelector; / * 註冊的SelectionKey集合,Netty自己實現的,對SelectionKey進行了包裝優化 */ private SelectedSelectionKeySet selectedKeys;

/* * 用於建立Selector / private final SelectorProvider provider;

private static final long AWAKE = -1L; private static final long NONE = Long.MAX_VALUE;

// nextWakeupNanos is: // AWAKE when EL is awake // NONE when EL is waiting with no wakeup scheduled // other value T when EL is waiting with wakeup scheduled at time T //下次喚醒的時間,預設為-1,表示已經喚醒,主要是用來執行定時任務時使用的 private final AtomicLong nextWakeupNanos = new AtomicLong(AWAKE); /* * Select策略,執行任務時使用 / private final SelectStrategy selectStrategy;

/* * 處理Channel的就緒事件,佔處理任務的總時間比例 * 在NioEventLoop中,有三種類型的任務 * 1:Channel的就緒IO事件 * 2:普通任務 * 3:定時任務 * ioRatio表示處理Channel的就緒IO事件佔處理總時間的比例 / private volatile int ioRatio = 50;

/ * 取消SelectionKey的數量 */ private int cancelledKeys; / * 是否需要再次select Selector物件 */ private boolean needsToSelectAgain; ```


java /** * @param parent 所屬的EventLoopGroup * @param executor 預設為 {@link ThreadPerTaskExecutor} ,每個任務啟動一個執行緒執行,在{@link MultithreadEventExecutorGroup}初始化時設定 * @param selectorProvider SelectorProvider.provider(),{@link Selector#open()}中就是使用SelectorProvider.provider().openSelect來建立Selector * {@link Selector},在{@link NioEventLoop}中設定 * @param strategy Select的策略,下邊會進行講解, 預設為{@link DefaultSelectStrategyFactory} * @param rejectedExecutionHandler 拒絕策略,預設為丟擲{@link RejectedExecutionException} * @param taskQueueFactory 生成普通任務佇列的Factory,預設為空 * @param tailTaskQueueFactory 生成尾任務佇列的Factory ,預設為空 */ NioEventLoop(NioEventLoopGroup parent, Executor executor, SelectorProvider selectorProvider, SelectStrategy strategy, RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler, EventLoopTaskQueueFactory taskQueueFactory, EventLoopTaskQueueFactory tailTaskQueueFactory) { super(parent, executor, false, newTaskQueue(taskQueueFactory), newTaskQueue(tailTaskQueueFactory), rejectedExecutionHandler); this.provider = ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(selectorProvider, "selectorProvider"); this.selectStrategy = ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(strategy, "selectStrategy"); //建立Selector final SelectorTuple selectorTuple = openSelector(); this.selector = selectorTuple.selector; //獲取未包裝的Selector this.unwrappedSelector = selectorTuple.unwrappedSelector; }


在構造方法中,我們看到建立Selector返回的是SelectorTuple,此類是一個包裝類,對Selector進行了包裝,JDK NIO的SelectionKeySet是用HashSet儲存的,HashSet底層使用的HashMap,put的時間複雜度為O(logn),Netty使用陣列對儲存方式進行了改變,陣列add操作的時間複雜度降為O(1),可以看到Netty的優化是非常細節的,並且通過自定義的SelectedSelectionKeySetSelector對其進行了組合封裝,具體是如何優化的看下原始碼便知,主要是使用的反射技術進行替換。

```java private SelectorTuple openSelector() { final Selector unwrappedSelector; try { unwrappedSelector = provider.openSelector(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ChannelException("failed to open a new selector", e); } /* * 判斷是否關閉SelectionKeySet優化,預設是false,不關閉 / if (DISABLE_KEY_SET_OPTIMIZATION) { return new SelectorTuple(unwrappedSelector); }

 * 建立class sun.nio.ch.SelectorImpl位元組碼
Object maybeSelectorImplClass = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
    public Object run() {
        try {
            return Class.forName(
        } catch (Throwable cause) {
            return cause;

if (!(maybeSelectorImplClass instanceof Class) ||
    // ensure the current selector implementation is what we can instrument.
    !((Class<?>) maybeSelectorImplClass).isAssignableFrom(unwrappedSelector.getClass())) {
    if (maybeSelectorImplClass instanceof Throwable) {
        Throwable t = (Throwable) maybeSelectorImplClass;
        logger.trace("failed to instrument a special java.util.Set into: {}", unwrappedSelector, t);
    return new SelectorTuple(unwrappedSelector);

final Class<?> selectorImplClass = (Class<?>) maybeSelectorImplClass;
 * Netty對SelectionKeySet的優化,SelectedSelectionKeySet基於陣列實現
final SelectedSelectionKeySet selectedKeySet = new SelectedSelectionKeySet();

Object maybeException = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
    public Object run() {
        try {
             * 通過反射替換Selector的成員變數selectedKeys(Set)為Netty優化後的陣列實現{@link SelectedSelectionKeySet}
             * 使用陣列實現,add操作的時間複雜度降為O(1),而Set底層使用的HashMap,put的時間複雜度為O(logn),這也是Netty的一個優化點
            Field selectedKeysField = selectorImplClass.getDeclaredField("selectedKeys");
            Field publicSelectedKeysField = selectorImplClass.getDeclaredField("publicSelectedKeys");
            if (PlatformDependent.javaVersion() >= 9 && PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe()) {
                // Let us try to use sun.misc.Unsafe to replace the SelectionKeySet.
                // This allows us to also do this in Java9+ without any extra flags.
                long selectedKeysFieldOffset = PlatformDependent.objectFieldOffset(selectedKeysField);
                long publicSelectedKeysFieldOffset =

                if (selectedKeysFieldOffset != -1 && publicSelectedKeysFieldOffset != -1) {
                            unwrappedSelector, selectedKeysFieldOffset, selectedKeySet);
                            unwrappedSelector, publicSelectedKeysFieldOffset, selectedKeySet);
                    return null;
                // We could not retrieve the offset, lets try reflection as last-resort.

            Throwable cause = ReflectionUtil.trySetAccessible(selectedKeysField, true);
            if (cause != null) {
                return cause;
            cause = ReflectionUtil.trySetAccessible(publicSelectedKeysField, true);
            if (cause != null) {
                return cause;

             * 將Selector的SelectionKeySet替換為Netty自己的
            selectedKeysField.set(unwrappedSelector, selectedKeySet);
            publicSelectedKeysField.set(unwrappedSelector, selectedKeySet);
            return null;
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            return e;
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            return e;

if (maybeException instanceof Exception) {
    selectedKeys = null;
    Exception e = (Exception) maybeException;
    logger.trace("failed to instrument a special java.util.Set into: {}", unwrappedSelector, e);
    return new SelectorTuple(unwrappedSelector);
selectedKeys = selectedKeySet;
logger.trace("instrumented a special java.util.Set into: {}", unwrappedSelector);
return new SelectorTuple(unwrappedSelector,
                         new SelectedSelectionKeySetSelector(unwrappedSelector, selectedKeySet));

} ```


```java / * 經過優化的Selector,對原生Selector進行了組合 */ final class SelectedSelectionKeySetSelector extends Selector { / * 自定義的SelectionKeySet實現,我們需要知道此處的selectionKeys與{@link #delegate#selectionKeys}是同一個 / private final SelectedSelectionKeySet selectionKeys; / * 組合的原生的Selector{@link NioEventLoop#unwrappedSelector} / private final Selector delegate;

SelectedSelectionKeySetSelector(Selector delegate, SelectedSelectionKeySet selectionKeys) {
    this.delegate = delegate;
    this.selectionKeys = selectionKeys;


 * 在{@link NioEventLoop#run()}會呼叫
public int select() throws IOException {
    return delegate.select();

public Selector wakeup() {
    return delegate.wakeup();

public void close() throws IOException {

} ```



```java final class SelectedSelectionKeySet extends AbstractSet {

SelectionKey[] keys;
int size;

SelectedSelectionKeySet() {
    keys = new SelectionKey[1024];

public boolean add(SelectionKey o) {
    if (o == null) {
        return false;

    keys[size++] = o;
    if (size == keys.length) {

    return true;
public Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator() {
    return new Iterator<SelectionKey>() {
        private int idx;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return idx < size;

        public SelectionKey next() {
            if (!hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            return keys[idx++];

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

private void increaseCapacity() {
    SelectionKey[] newKeys = new SelectionKey[keys.length << 1];
    System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newKeys, 0, size);
    keys = newKeys;

} ```



```java protected void run() { //Select計數 int selectCnt = 0; for (;;) { try { int strategy; try { //計算Select的策略 <1> strategy = selectStrategy.calculateStrategy(selectNowSupplier, hasTasks()); switch (strategy) { case SelectStrategy.CONTINUE: continue;

            case SelectStrategy.BUSY_WAIT:
                // fall-through to SELECT since the busy-wait is not supported with NIO

            case SelectStrategy.SELECT:
                long curDeadlineNanos = nextScheduledTaskDeadlineNanos();
                if (curDeadlineNanos == -1L) {
                    curDeadlineNanos = NONE; // nothing on the calendar
                try {
                    if (!hasTasks()) {
                        strategy = select(curDeadlineNanos);
                } finally {
                    // This update is just to help block unnecessary selector wakeups
                    // so use of lazySet is ok (no race condition)
                // fall through
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // If we receive an IOException here its because the Selector is messed up. Let's rebuild
            // the selector and retry. http://github.com/netty/netty/issues/8566
            selectCnt = 0;

        cancelledKeys = 0;
        needsToSelectAgain = false;
        final int ioRatio = this.ioRatio;
        boolean ranTasks;
        if (ioRatio == 100) {
            try {
                if (strategy > 0) {
            } finally {
                // Ensure we always run tasks.
                ranTasks = runAllTasks();
        } else if (strategy > 0) {
            final long ioStartTime = System.nanoTime();
            try {
            } finally {
                // Ensure we always run tasks.
                final long ioTime = System.nanoTime() - ioStartTime;
                ranTasks = runAllTasks(ioTime * (100 - ioRatio) / ioRatio);
        } else {
            ranTasks = runAllTasks(0); // This will run the minimum number of tasks
        if (ranTasks || strategy > 0) {
            if (selectCnt > MIN_PREMATURE_SELECTOR_RETURNS && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Selector.select() returned prematurely {} times in a row for Selector {}.",
                        selectCnt - 1, selector);
            selectCnt = 0;
        } else if (unexpectedSelectorWakeup(selectCnt)) { // Unexpected wakeup (unusual case)
            selectCnt = 0;
    } catch (CancelledKeyException e) {
        // Harmless exception - log anyway
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(CancelledKeyException.class.getSimpleName() + " raised by a Selector {} - JDK bug?",
                    selector, e);
    } catch (Error e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    } finally {
        // Always handle shutdown even if the loop processing threw an exception.
        try {
            if (isShuttingDown()) {
                if (confirmShutdown()) {
        } catch (Error e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable t) {

} ```

整個run方法的執行流程如下:判斷是否有任務需要執行(taskQueue + 定時任務)或者有感興趣的事件

  1. 有新增的感興趣的事件則先處理事件
  2. 有任務需要執行則先執行任務
  3. 判斷是否要shutDown


這裡插入一個點,在run方法中,我們看到NioEventLoop呼叫JDK NIO底層的select方法檢視是否有感興趣的事件,在服務端剛剛啟動時,感興趣的事件肯定是客戶端的連線(ACCEPT)時間,那這個感興趣的事件是如何設定的呢?大家是否還記得在服務端建立原始碼分析中,在Channel註冊後最終會呼叫AbstractNioChannel#doBeginRead到方法,此處就會將感興趣的事件設定為OP_ACCEPT。​


```java / * Indicates a blocking select should follow. * 表示使用阻塞Select的策略 */ int SELECT = -1; / * Indicates the IO loop should be retried, no blocking select to follow directly. * 表示需要進行重試的策略,目前沒有使用 / int CONTINUE = -2; / * Indicates the IO loop to poll for new events without blocking. * 目前沒有使用 * / int BUSY_WAIT = -3;

/* * The {@link SelectStrategy} can be used to steer the outcome of a potential select * call. * * @param selectSupplier The supplier with the result of a select result. * @param hasTasks true if tasks are waiting to be processed. * @return {@link #SELECT} if the next step should be blocking select {@link #CONTINUE} if * the next step should be to not select but rather jump back to the IO loop and try * again. Any value >= 0 is treated as an indicator that work needs to be done. / int calculateStrategy(IntSupplier selectSupplier, boolean hasTasks) throws Exception; ```


```java final class DefaultSelectStrategy implements SelectStrategy { static final SelectStrategy INSTANCE = new DefaultSelectStrategy();

private DefaultSelectStrategy() { }

public int calculateStrategy(IntSupplier selectSupplier, boolean hasTasks) throws Exception {
    return hasTasks ? selectSupplier.get() : SelectStrategy.SELECT;





  • IO任務處理時間比例控制:ioRatio
  • 處理新增感興趣事件
  • 執行任務佇列任務
  • 重建Selector解決JDK空輪詢的bug:rebuildSelector0
  • IO任務處理事件比例:ioRatio
  • shutDown優雅關閉處理


```java if (ioRatio == 100) { try { if (strategy > 0) { //如果有新增的感興趣的事件,則處理 processSelectedKeys(); } } finally { // Ensure we always run tasks. //所有的時間都用來處理IO事件,包括普通任務和定時任務,不限制時間 ranTasks = runAllTasks(); } } else if (strategy > 0) {//如果有新增的感興趣的事件 //記錄當前時間 final long ioStartTime = System.nanoTime(); try { //處理Channel的就緒事件 processSelectedKeys(); } finally { // Ensure we always run tasks. //計算用來處理IO事件的時間,包括普通任務和定時任務,限制時間 //以處理Channel的就緒事件所花時間為基準計算執行所有任務需要的時間 final long ioTime = System.nanoTime() - ioStartTime; ranTasks = runAllTasks(ioTime * (100 - ioRatio) / ioRatio); } } else { //如果沒有新增的感興趣的事件,則執行所有的任務 ranTasks = runAllTasks(0); // This will run the minimum number of tasks }


  • ioRatio等於100時,則不會對執行任務限制時間,如果有新增的感興趣的時間,則全力處理感興趣的事件,如果有待執行的任務,則全力執行任務
  • ioRatio小於100時
  • 當有新增的感興趣的事件,則先處理感興趣的事件,處理完事件後,通過處理事件所花的時間計算執行所有的任務最大的時間
  • 當沒有新增的感興趣的事件,則執行所有的任務,這裡參為0,表示執行最少的任務


```java private void processSelectedKeys() { //判斷是否使用的優化過的SelectionKey if (selectedKeys != null) { processSelectedKeysOptimized(); } else { processSelectedKeysPlain(selector.selectedKeys()); } }




```java ate void processSelectedKeysOptimized() { for (int i = 0; i < selectedKeys.size; ++i) { final SelectionKey k = selectedKeys.keys[i]; // null out entry in the array to allow to have it GC'ed once the Channel close // See http://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2363 selectedKeys.keys[i] = null;

    final Object a = k.attachment();
    // 我們在解服務端建立的原始碼分析文章中分析註冊的流程時,AbstractNioChannel#doRegister在將Channel註冊到Selector上時,將自己作為附加資訊傳了進去
    //  selectionKey = javaChannel().register(eventLoop().unwrappedSelector(), 0, this);
    if (a instanceof AbstractNioChannel) {
        processSelectedKey(k, (AbstractNioChannel) a);
    } else {
        NioTask<SelectableChannel> task = (NioTask<SelectableChannel>) a;
        processSelectedKey(k, task);
    if (needsToSelectAgain) {
        // null out entries in the array to allow to have it GC'ed once the Channel close
        // See http://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2363
        selectedKeys.reset(i + 1);

        i = -1;




```java void cancel(SelectionKey key) { key.cancel(); cancelledKeys ++; if (cancelledKeys >= CLEANUP_INTERVAL) { cancelledKeys = 0; needsToSelectAgain = true; } }



```java if (needsToSelectAgain) { // null out entries in the array to allow to have it GC'ed once the Channel close // See http://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2363 selectedKeys.reset(i + 1);

i = -1;




針對不同的事件做不同的處理,事件就是JDK NIO的那些事件,SelectionKey#OP_ACCEPT、SelectionKey#OP_CONNECT、SelectionKey#OP_READ、_SelectionKey#_OP_WRITE

```java private void processSelectedKey(SelectionKey k, AbstractNioChannel ch) { //這裡的服務端的Unsafe類是class io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioMessageChannel$NioMessageUnsafe,我們也在服務端建立原始碼分析中講解過 final AbstractNioChannel.NioUnsafe unsafe = ch.unsafe(); if (!k.isValid()) { final EventLoop eventLoop; try { eventLoop = ch.eventLoop(); } catch (Throwable ignored) { // If the channel implementation throws an exception because there is no event loop, we ignore this // because we are only trying to determine if ch is registered to this event loop and thus has authority // to close ch. return; } // Only close ch if ch is still registered to this EventLoop. ch could have deregistered from the event loop // and thus the SelectionKey could be cancelled as part of the deregistration process, but the channel is // still healthy and should not be closed. // See http://github.com/netty/netty/issues/5125 if (eventLoop == this) { // close the channel if the key is not valid anymore unsafe.close(unsafe.voidPromise()); } return; }

try {
    int readyOps = k.readyOps();
    // We first need to call finishConnect() before try to trigger a read(...) or write(...) as otherwise
    // the NIO JDK channel implementation may throw a NotYetConnectedException.
    if ((readyOps & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) != 0) {
        //OP_CONNECT 連線成功事件
        // remove OP_CONNECT as otherwise Selector.select(..) will always return without blocking
        // See http://github.com/netty/netty/issues/924
        int ops = k.interestOps();
        ops &= ~SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT;

    // Process OP_WRITE first as we may be able to write some queued buffers and so free memory.
    if ((readyOps & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0) {
        // OP_WRITE 事件就緒
        // Call forceFlush which will also take care of clear the OP_WRITE once there is nothing left to write

    // Also check for readOps of 0 to workaround possible JDK bug which may otherwise lead
    // to a spin loop
    if ((readyOps & (SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT)) != 0 || readyOps == 0) {
        //SelectionKey.OP_READ 或者 SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT事件,readyOps=0是用來處理JDK Selector的空輪bug
} catch (CancelledKeyException ignored) {







重建Selector解決JDK 的空輪詢bug



```java /* * 針對意外的喚醒,JDK的空輪訓BUG,沒有事件發生也會立即返回,此方法主要是為了解決這個BUG * 如果已經達到了重建Selector的閾值,則會進行重建Selector,返回true,將select計數重置 / private boolean unexpectedSelectorWakeup(int selectCnt) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { //如果執行緒被打斷 // Thread was interrupted so reset selected keys and break so we not run into a busy loop. // As this is most likely a bug in the handler of the user or it's client library we will // also log it. // // See http://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2426 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Selector.select() returned prematurely because " + "Thread.currentThread().interrupt() was called. Use " + "NioEventLoop.shutdownGracefully() to shutdown the NioEventLoop."); } return true; } //判斷是否達到了重建Selector的閾值 if (SELECTOR_AUTO_REBUILD_THRESHOLD > 0 && selectCnt >= SELECTOR_AUTO_REBUILD_THRESHOLD) { // The selector returned prematurely many times in a row. // Rebuild the selector to work around the problem. // Selector連續多次提前返回 logger.warn("Selector.select() returned prematurely {} times in a row; rebuilding Selector {}.", selectCnt, selector); rebuildSelector(); return true; } return false; }



```java /* * Replaces the current {@link Selector} of this event loop with newly created {@link Selector}s to work * around the infamous epoll 100% CPU bug. * 重建Selector物件來解決JDK epoll的100% CPU的bug,其實Netty並沒有解決JDK NIO這個問題,只是進行了規避 / public void rebuildSelector() { if (!inEventLoop()) { //執行一個事件 execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { rebuildSelector0(); } }); return; } rebuildSelector0(); }




```java /* * 建立一個新的Selector,將之前註冊到老的selector上的Channel重新轉移到新的Selector上,並將老的Selector關閉 / private void rebuildSelector0() { final Selector oldSelector = selector; final SelectorTuple newSelectorTuple;

if (oldSelector == null) {

try {
    newSelectorTuple = openSelector();
} catch (Exception e) {
    logger.warn("Failed to create a new Selector.", e);

// Register all channels to the new Selector.
int nChannels = 0;
for (SelectionKey key: oldSelector.keys()) {
    Object a = key.attachment();
    try {
        if (!key.isValid() || key.channel().keyFor(newSelectorTuple.unwrappedSelector) != null) {

        int interestOps = key.interestOps();
        SelectionKey newKey = key.channel().register(newSelectorTuple.unwrappedSelector, interestOps, a);
        if (a instanceof AbstractNioChannel) {
            // Update SelectionKey
            // 修改Channel的SelectionKey為新的SelectionKy
            ((AbstractNioChannel) a).selectionKey = newKey;
        nChannels ++;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn("Failed to re-register a Channel to the new Selector.", e);
        if (a instanceof AbstractNioChannel) {
            AbstractNioChannel ch = (AbstractNioChannel) a;
        } else {
            NioTask<SelectableChannel> task = (NioTask<SelectableChannel>) a;
            invokeChannelUnregistered(task, key, e);
selector = newSelectorTuple.selector;
unwrappedSelector = newSelectorTuple.unwrappedSelector;




NioEventLoop在啟動後會不斷的判斷是否達到了關閉條件state >= _ST_SHUTTING_DOWN_,達到條件則先關閉所有的Channel連線,隨後會判斷是不是滿足條件(#confirmShutdown在上篇文章中我們已經對其講解過,主要是配合優雅關閉的安靜期和最大等待時間進行計算)退出。

```java if (isShuttingDown()) { //如果EventLoop狀態是正在關閉、已關閉、已終止,則執行關閉邏輯,關閉Channel和Selector的繫結,關閉Channel closeAll(); //確認是否可以關閉了 if (confirmShutdown()) { //退出NioEventLoop執行緒迴圈 return; } }



